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Analysis of the functions of the micro-dose X-ray bone age meter

“Children are not miniature adults,” as their bodies are in a continuous process of growth and development, with various functions not fully matured. Therefore, caution is especially necessary in terms of testing methods and medication.


“Bone age” is a trending term nowadays, as measuring bone age can help solve many parental concerns, such as,What should be done if the child does not grow tall in the future? Will the child stop growing after an early growth spurt? Will nutrition be able to keep up if the child grows too fast? And other related issues.


The X-ray bone age device is a professionally designed device for children that utilizes CBCT cone beam imaging technology. The product offers short and clear imaging time, low radiation dosage, good safety protection, quick and accurate measurements, and high precision. Additionally, it features a learning function for easy use. It finds wide applications in fields such as medicine, sports, forensics, and beyond.


The X-ray bone age device takes images of the hand and wrist bones of children, observes the ossification centers in these bones, calculates the bone age of the children based on the ossification centers using a specific method, evaluates their growth and development, and predicts their adult height.

Bone age measurement is the initial step in pediatric endocrinology evaluations. If any issues are detected, further tests will be conducted to determine if there is a growth delay.

In cases where intervention is needed for growth delay, regular monitoring of bone age is required, necessitating bone age scans every few months. Traditional X-ray machines expose children to frequent radiation which can be harmful, especially to critical areas of a child’s body.


In such scenarios, a fully enclosed, lead-free low-dose X-ray bone age device is utilized. It can be placed directly in the department for use, providing clear imaging with low radiation, making it easy for doctors to interpret images and quickly generate reports.

This device is characterized by excellent safety measures, making it suitable for radiation-sensitive children. Its quick and accurate measurements, ease of use, and minimal training requirements for operators reduce operational costs. The implementation of the low-dose X-ray bone age device streamlines the initial examinations for doctors, reduces wait times, and optimizes the diagnostic process.

Post time: Apr-30-2024